Thursday, November 26, 2009

BTHO t.u.! 10 years anniversary of Bonfire collapsed..

It's 9:22p right now on 11/26/2009, 10 years after the bonfire collapsed, and the Aggie vs. t.u. game is currently been broadcast on ESPN (at this moment). I am at work (unfortunately), but could listen to the game live on the radio, and they kept mentioning about a new production by the 12th man foundation called "the burning desire"-talking about the bonfire tragedy 10 years ago and also including part of the University of Texas Band perfomance. The Aggies really appreciate the other team's tribute during half time, and I think it was exactly 10 years ago (11/26/1999). has been ten years now...I never personally experience the real bonfire on campus, but I clearly remembered that this news actually made on to Chinese Newspaper, and I paid particular attention to it because it is a Texas School. Back then, I never thought I would end up in this school, be part of the tradition, and continue my professional school here... It has been 10 years? WOW...

But I never regret my decision, and I think though we laugh at the T-sippers, but there's no-body like them that we can rely on in the big Texas. Thank you, Texas! (it's hard not to call you t.u. :p)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Never felt sleeping can be such a sweet thing...

This past two weeks has been pretty tough on me, I think I am hitting the mid-semester depression. After going through another semester without a break kind of put you into that situation. It looks like everyone around me is going through the same thing though. I know I should not compare myself to other people because that always put me in a bad mood, I am never as good as my classmates/friends/other people! But you just can't help to do it...every time when I feel so defeated by the exam, I would hear other people comments such as "that wasn't too bad", or when I accidentally hear them checking their answers, and find out that I missed the "easy questions", would you feel defeated? This Wed I had a pathology test, and I have been doing fine in that class-the only class that I could possibly end up with an A. But I think I might just lose it this week. But there's no-body to be blamed on, because I put off the study until couple days before the test. I can't help to be a procrastinator because I just can’t find the motivation to sit down and study…so very hard to focus, and this has been a problem since I started vet school…I am jealous at those hard core people who can sit and study for 10 hours without moving and be productive. Again, I am comparing myself to a separate identity, very stupid move.

Anyway, so because there’re so much information covered on this Path exam, I end up taking little naps on Wed morning, and my last nap was after 6a til 7a… I kept snoozing because…just because :p (you know when you are so sleep deprived you miss everything)…every time I go back to sleep I never felt so happy! Even just for 5 min, I felt so satisfy and fortunate that I can sleep 5 more min! It’s a sense of gratitude, and I bet my GABA (a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happy) is probably releasing from the neuro junction like no-body’s business :D…but I actually was smiling after each snooze. Such a strange feeling.

Needless to say, I could do better on this exam because I really enjoy the class (some portion could have taught better though). But life is tough, and I have been complaining too much lately, I don’t feel like myself again. Think back to the hard corps days, I was proud to be a tough women…now I feel like I kept riding the “whinbulance” . Too weak.

At the end of the day, I was able to take a 2 hour nap after school. Again, never felt so satisfied at the end of the sleep. Now, I am re-adjusting my sleeping schedule (it has been pretty messy since last week, intermittent naps at 2am…), but that sense of happiness seems to gone to its happy place.

This is TOTALLY MY FAV right now, so true!

Totally a reality...depicts my mental battle between sleeping vs. eating