Monday, June 16, 2008

Korea, finally~~~

Trip to korea was fun. Seoul in general gives me an impression of similar to China. But the buildings look totally different from Beijing, it reminds me of old Chinese apartments. Seoul is a hill city, we climb up and down the streets all the time. I spent 4 nights at my high school friend’s house (apartment, they call them house, but it is a big building, each floor consists of two apartment, in Korea, they consider living in apartments like this are luxury and many people work hard their whole life trying to buy one of the fancy apartments), and gained a first hand experience to encounter Korean culture. I like this way better than going with a tour group. On this trip, I tried my best to eat all traditional Korean food, from the side of the street to small family restaurant. I have to say, I love their food! But people who know me would argue when do I not like eating… So let’s talk about Korean cuisine first. Korean cuisine consists of 3 main part, rice, kimchee, and some kind of soup. Kimchee is not just marinated cabbage, it can be carrots, soybeans, little silver fish, and variety of vegetables. In Korea, everything is very expensive compare to China, my normal meal usually cost about $6 USD, which is really not that bad compare to the States. Korean people uses metal chopsticks and a spoon as their dining ware. The chopsticks are thinner than chinese wooden ones, thus was a little bit more difficult to manipulate. Their bowls for rice are also metal…Even if you only ordered one dish, they will bring you at least 2 side dishes, sometimes up to 7…and they are all different kind of kimchee or vegetables. I like the Korean cuisine, it has a lots of vegetables, for people like me who never remembers to eat vegi, by going to restaurants and eating all those side dishes will cover all the daily needs.
I like people watching, Korean people (mainly refer to girls, cuz they go out on the street more often than boys) has really good skin, at least it appears to me. Koreans believe that white skin is the best (totally opposite from Western thinking, in America, you see more tanned people). So on the street, you see many many white, even pale girls wearing make ups. Their skin care products are all targeted towards whitening skin as well. I think buying cosmetics products are worth it here, because they have their own make up brand and they are all targeted towards Asian skins. My friends told me you can’t really tell if they really do have good skin or it is covered by the make up product. But here, everyone wears make up on street, in the store they even offer Men sections for light make ups…I know what you thinking right now…but they are not homo (pardon my word of choice, ^///^). Every girl on the street wear at least 3 inches heels, what amazes me the most is that they wears them to catch the bus, shopping on the street, walk all the long on hard concrete and…you can see girls wear REALLY high heels run on the street (try to catch the train, bus, or subway)…They start practicing in High school, even though high school teacher wont allow them to do it, but they pack them into their back pack and as soon as school is out, they change them up and put on make ups…I took a sneaky picture of the high school girls on Insa Dong…my friend was laughing at me…