Monday, June 29, 2009

This World...

I just watched a youtube video about an Iranian girl (Neda) who was shot and killed in front of a camera, in less than 60 seconds. the video was shot in the past week, during the Iranian election fallout. I think pictures from the same incident made to many other medias...I debated a lot with myself whether I should post the video on the blog, at last I decided not to. To me, it is more shocking than anything else. But I think for most people, it is too bloody to watch. Neda means “voice” in farsi, and it became the symbol for the protest movement. The young teenage girl died in the arms of her howling father.

At least something good is happening on the other side of the world. I became a fan of a man called “waterman” from the Taiwanese Yahoo blog. Long story short, back in April of last year, this “Waterman” became a huge HIT in Taiwan. He wears a mask, looks like Ultraman from Japan. You might think he is nuts (in fact I thought that he is crazy when I first reading his blog). But he calls himself “Waterman”, and his motto is “drink more water, and help more people”. Last April, he started this project to help one group of people (or do one projectfor the community) per day, and do it for 15 days straight. Everyone can submit request to him, and he will do anything, I really mean ANYTHING... When he first started, no one was really paying attention, and he was doing it by himself. At the end of 15th day, his blog has over 10,000 daily viewers, and “he” is acting as a group, recruited many people to help, everywhere. It is an amazing act, and this year, he is still the same man. And released his album (yes, I mean, singing album, CD!!!) – I AM Waterman. Every single penny sold on the album will be donated to charity organization. People had asked him “who is waterman”, his answer was “look into the mirror yourself, that is waterman”. I admire his action, and applause to his thought. I like the fact that he is doing something out of his kind heart, and all he wants is to help people (and be eco-friendly as well). Nobody really knows who the real “waterman” is, I think he represent a concept, an idea, to help people, and make this world a better world.

If I ran out of thought to say, I think I might come back to talk more about him…


Ultraman from Japan

Waterman is helping shelter pets to find a new home

Waterman helping a shy student to ask a girl out...yeah, that's right!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dogs on the Surfing board!!

I mean, I am going to be a vet, how can't I not posting pic of animals??

Dog surf contest at Imperial Beach, CA, June 20, 2009. I think it's called "Hangin' 20"...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

When bubble are busted...

The moment when the finger touches the bubble

Original post from :

Bubble Busted...

from British photographer Richard Heeks

The Michael Jackson Phenomenon

hmmm...honestly, I thought I don’t know his music that well...until today. I didn't realize that how much he has "infiltrated" my life. Every single song played on radio today, I have heard of it in my life, or somewhat was familiar with. Thrill, Beat it, Billie Jane…Looking back, he has really been a significant singer in the history of modern music. He has impact many generations, even the teens today. His music is universal, people from all over the world to pay a tribute to him today. I know for fact that at least the Chinese and American radio station are dedicating some time today to play his old tunes, and I bet there are other international stations out there in the world played his music today. His influence is un-matchable.

It is very complicated, because later in his years, he does have a really bad reputation in the public. But his work in the music world is un-deniable. There are still many many people in Asia right now try to role play him on the television. He is truly a legend.

I have seen many comments on facebook about his death, most of them are “RIP, MJ”, or somewhere alone the line. Of course, there are individuals who also comment that he deserves what he got…NO BODY has the right to determine a person’s life, or determine what’s right for other people. I was very offended by their comment, and I think no matter what Michael Jackson did in the past, he should not receive comment such like that.

Talking to my co-worker, she was born in the 1990, and oddly, she can also recognize the lyrics and could sing alone when they were played on the radio. I mean she wasn’t even born in that era! Michael Jackson’s music truly has influence many generations and different races. I think there is no one who can surpass that. Today, I respect Michael and his contribution to the music industry; he is truly the King of Pop.

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Lunch Box

Breakfast cereal (320 Kcal)

Lunch Sushi Roll (it's not really japanese style any more...more like I want to stuff in whatever I feel like roll...)


Dinner with Gumbo soup

Lunch with baked tilapia fillet (too time I will watch how much seasoning to sprinkle on it...but I still <3 fish!!)

I kid your not, this was my dinner, all fruits! So proud of myself...

Mango Papaya Salsa...can be better's a very tropical dish

Today's LUNCH! Tomato and fried egg + Stir fried Broccoli & bacon slices + Peanut tofu!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Letter from a Father

Dear son...

The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me …

If I get dirty when eating… if I can not dress… have patience.
Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.
如果我吃的脏兮兮 甚至已不会穿衣服
耐心一点儿 你记得我曾经花了多少时间 教你这些事吗

If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things thousand and one times…
Do not interrupt me… listen to me
当我一再重复 说着同样的事情

When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you fall asleep soundly…
你小时候 我必须一遍又一遍地 读着同样的故事,

When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…
当我不想洗澡 不要羞辱我 也不要责骂我

Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath…
你记得小时候 我曾经编出多少理由 只为了哄你洗澡

When you see my ignorance on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile…
当你看到我对新科技一无所知 给我一点时间 不要嘲笑我

I taught you how to do so many things… to eat good, to dress well… to confront life…
如何好好地吃 好好的穿,如何面对你的生命

When at some moment I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation…
Let me have the necessary time to remember… and if I cannot do it,
Do not become nervous… as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me…
如果交谈中 我忽然失忆 不知道该说什么了
不要紧张 对我而言 重要的不是对话
而是能跟你 在一起

When my tired legs do not allow me walk...
… give me your hand… the same way I did when you gave your first steps.
当我的腿不听使唤 扶我一把
就像我当初扶着你 踏出你人生的第一步

And when someday I say to you that I do not want to live any more… that I want to die… Do not get angry… some day you will understand…
当哪天我告诉你 我不想再活下去了
请不要生气 总有一天 你会了解

Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.
了解我 已风烛残年 来日可数

Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always wanted the best thing for you
And that I tried to prepare the way for you.
有一天你会发现 即使我有许多过错
我总是尽我所能 给你最好的

You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you.
当我靠近你时 不要觉得感伤 生气 或埋怨

You must be next to me, try to understand me and to help me as I did it when you started living.
你要紧挨着我 如同当初我帮着你展开人生一样的

Help me to walk… help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.
了解我 帮我 扶我一把 用爱和耐心 帮我走完人生
我将用微笑 和我始终不变的爱 来回报你

I love you son…

Your father

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Best of luck, my friends.

One of my dearest buddies from the Corps-Reid, and his beloved wife, Brooke are leaving the States today for their peace corps assignment to Swaziland ( . Technically, they are not out of the states until the 22nd, but they are heading over to DC to start their initial training and then head over to Africa tomorrow. I called him this morning just want to wish him a safe journey, and I could tell from their tone of voices that they are very anxious about this trip. I completely understand their feelings, going to a completely different country, don't know what's really waiting for them. At least they have each other for support. I had my parents with me when I first came to the States, but I still vividly remember that on the plane from L.A. to Houston, I think I had what you called today a "nervous breakdown". back then I didn't know better, and I was just scared what's coming into my way, thinking about going into a completely new environment with no English knowledge, worrying how will I do in classes...Dad comforted me back then. Now, I am a grow-up adult (that's still a scary word...), I will have to face the challenges myself.

Anyway, today's topic is Reid and Brooke. They are a very important part of my life now. I have known Reid since my fish year, and for the past 6 years (5 years undergrad and 1 year in Vet school), he has always been there for support. We hardly had any arguments, but that's because we are always brutal on each other...comment wise, so we take it out right there, in front of us. and he is always a manipulator (not in a bad way, but he is very manipulative, and can always find ways to get out of the guilt), a crowd clown, what I called "eye-ball attractor"...or what my buddies called "attention wh**e". He can come up with some crazy wild ideas and it's amazing over the years, I developed immunity towards him and all I can answer is a head shake and let him have his way around He had the same major as I did, BIMS, and so we went to class together our junior and senior year a lot. I used to remember that we would always run in our senior boots to try to catch the 7:10a bus from main campus to west campus...and I vividly remembered that Reid would always out run me (dah...) and turn around and comment about his move and that's how it stuck into my head...

Brooke was also in my unit, she is a year younger than me. I would say Brooke is the perfect fit for Reid. Reid is like a big kid who never grow up, he would have all these bizzar random thought and will put them into actions (ie: go into the tunnels on campus and try to find the secrete path; swimming in all the ponds/pools on campus; start a Nuke run tradition with the corps runners, go to bed at 4am when he has a marathon at 7am, and was late for the starting for 10 min, go on a diet with just Honey and peanut butter, and later on finds out it's scientifically prove to be healthy...the list goes on). Brooke are more rational, and Reid would only listen to Brooke. Brooke is also more mature and I like to talk to her because she is always encouraging, and positive, and will always be on my side no matter what. She has the " magic touch " that will calm me down, Reid does NOT have that ability on me.

Today, they are leaving from Dallas to D.C. and receive their official peace corps introduction workshop over night, then head over to a complete new world, helping citizens over there and educate the public about AIDS. I have been telling them (and of course they both already understand) that this is for a great cause, it's something that a great person will do, and the impact they leave behind is un-imaginable. I truly admire their action, and so very proud to be their friend. Next time I see them I will still be in school (bomber...), but I will be almost ready to get out in the real world. By then, they will be back from Africa, tanned, and stay in shape :D

Best of luck, my friends! I wish you both a very safe and rewarding journey!

PS: for those of you who are curious of their trip, log on to their blog :

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sensational performance

I don't usually get moved by drassage horses...quite honestly, most of the time I think it's a bizzar thing that you make them move the way that they aren't build for...but this a sensational performance, even to an outisder like me...unbelievable control of the horse. Two thumbs up!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New found diet is still going on, but I kinda quit it this past few days because I discovered some new methods. I used to think people who are in desperate about losing weight are crazy because they will try everything that they hear/find/discover just because they are desparate. I still think that's stupid...after receiving a nutrition degree from undergrad, I would be laughed at if I follow those people's steps. My goal is to "healthyly" lose some weight, and not hurting my body. After carefully evaluating some posts from various internet resources (ie: other people's blogs), I am going to try to incorporate these couple methods into my daily diet. I translated from the blogs/websites, pardon my English...

1) Lemon in the water
Adding half of a lemon into 1L of water, the lemon needs to be sliced, set the (lemon) water in the fridge. The cool temperature helps to bring out the lemon flavor. Every day at least drink 3 L of such water, no special diet or restriction on food is required, but sufficient intake of water is a must. Minimum 15 minutes exercise, and they don't even have to be continuous (I don't really know about this part...). But then they explain the purpose of this kind of exercise is to sweat, and sweating will help to excrete toxins.

Need to watch: don't drink lemon water on a empty stomach, those are acidic to your tummy, and drink with a empty stomach will increase acidic production and hurt your stomach.

Reason to believe: because the acidity of lemon, in Chinese medicine, we believe that it will help to produce saliva and good for your pancreases. Lemon is also helps circulating blood and help absorption of Calcium, not mentioning plenty of Vitamin C. It can lower cholesterol, reduce chance of cancer, help to stay young, and beneficial in treating many other diseases.
Other benefits: drinking this water during long hours of flight suppose to help your circulation as well.

2) Menstrual period diet :
Apparently it is a very popular methods in Asia, and lots of people had swear to it.

Method: It is divide into 4 time period. Counting from the first day of your menstrual period

Period 1 (day 1-7): you are in a mood swing, easily tired. Recommend to exercise 3-5 hours/week. You are not going to see a whole lot "weight losing", so focuses of shape your body, do some yoga, Pilates, or increase flexibility of your body. Restrict your diet is not going to help, and may be cause dehydration. Exercise in a low intensity rate. Stay away from exercise that needs quick's going to make you mad...

Period 2 (day 8-14): Climax of your exercise plan. Your estrogen level is probably at its highest point during this period (then once ovulation occur, progesterone is going to kick in, and that's next period). with high level of estrogen in your body, it helps to absorb and excrete carbohydrates, fat and proteins. So this is the best time to do aerobic exercises. And you are probably at your best mood during this time. Try to maintain exercise at least 7 hours/week, every day try to keep it up to 2 hours (OMG!!!) or every other day for 2 hours. This is a period that can gain weight really quick, because if you don't use them, they are going to be absorbed! So watch out those high caloric and high fat food. Instead, eat more fibers and they will help you to reduce your intake and help moving food alone the intestinal track. Recommendation is to do a 7 day diet plan ahead of time, 7 days is really not that long and easy to stick to.
Reason to believe: Because the hormone level are alternated during different period of the month, when you are in a good mood, you definitely have a better chance to carry out your diet plan. And with the help from Hormone, your exercise can be more productive.

Period 3 (day 15-21): You are getting close to the next menstrual period. It is not quiet effective as the previous week, but keep up the hard work and exercise 6 hours a week. At this time, aerobic exercise are good,just don't over work yourself. And if you don't have a gym to go, jumping ropes are the best solution. Make sure you jump at least 200 or more in the morning and evenings.

Period 4 (day 22-28): from Day 20-24, you can still exercise like normal, but as days pass by, from day 24-28, your exercise time, load, and rate should graduately decrease. Recommend time is 3 hours / week, can do some strength training. Your mood is getting ready to swing again, so stay away from those competitive games. At this time, you might find that your appetite is increase, as long as you don't eat snacks, or fried food, and no food before bed time, you should be okay.

She is not my goal, that would be too scary...but she lost from 138 lb to 84 lb!!! in a matter of 2 years...She is only 5'2". But this is for me to remind me that people can do this, and it is doable~ I just want this to be up to remind me when I am losing my focus.
(PS: pictures are cut and paste from her blog: I don't want to be sued...)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What am I doing this summer

I am officially one month into the summer break now. Honestly, time flies when you are having fun, and I trully enjoy what has been happening since the beginning of the break.

I spent couple weeks shadowing the cardiology department here with the small animal clinic, and learned a great deal from the knowledgable (and most wonderful) clinicians and staff about heart. Not mentioning made great friends with the 4th year students during that rotation. Since I just finished first year, there's not a whole lot that that are clinically practical for me to use during this rotation, but I think the most beneficial thing about this rotation for me is that I finally understand what a "heart murmur" sounds like!!! I am very very VERY excited about that. They also offer weekly ECG rounds on Wednesday mornings for students to attend. My grand plan is if I continue going to this thing, may be one day, just ONE DAY...I will be able to read those squeekly lines...

Following that, I started to work at the small animal clinic front desk. I used to work here before I entered vet school. It is later on that I find out my boss didn't really think this job can get me into vet school(we joke about it now). But I filter emergency phone calls and taking payments. It is not that exciting, but I got a lot of free time, where else can you find a job where you get paid by doing your homework? Besides, it exposes me to the business side of the practice, and I get to deal with clients. I am up front when they have financial difficulties or complains or complements for our services, it is definitely very eye opening and a good practice to have (before I enter the real world).

This summer, I am also working for a professor at the large animal clinic. He IS SOOOOOOOO nice. Even though he knows that I have "ZERO" (or close to zero" horse handling experience), he still hired me for work for his horse lab. His philosphy is that being in the university teaching setting, we should never turn away students who wants to learn. So he tries his best to get me some horse handling experience and introduces me to as many other professors as possible during this summer, and also encourages me to work in the lab and be exposed to research side of the studies. I am already learning a great deal from him and his lab staff and I am loving it! Also since it is a student worker position, my schedule is so flexable that I can come in whenever is convinient for my schedule, so that gives me more time to go find other working opportunites~~

AS of today, I also arranged shadowing opportunites with the school ER room on Saturday's afternoons. Oh, and with another equine hospital (not the A&M one, this one is out of town) on Tuesday mornings. I mean just by standing there listening to them is a great opportunity for me to learn. My classmate also offers me the opportunity to stay in the OR room whenever possible to observe small animal surgeries...!!! I am soooo grateful that these people are part of my life and help me alone the way. SO GRATEFUL.

So far, on a regular base, I am going to Wed morning's ECG rounds from Cardio, Saturday afternoon is with ER, Tuesday mornings are with the Equine hospital, and then MW evening for the Japanese classes, and T and Th working at small animal front desk, and here and there I fit in to work with the professor's lab...It might sounds busy, but believe me, I am fully enjoy what I am doing this summer, which is learning! I mean while I am in vet school where all the frontfield technologies and knowledges are avaialable, I want to take full advantage of this!! After I get out, I don't think I will ever find a place where these much information will be concentrated at one single place, and so easy for me to grasp and collect. Call me crazy...:D

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Diet Dairy 6/5/09-6/11/09

6/5/09- FIRST DAY!
wt: 73.4 (it takes some guts to put this number on here...)
Have been running for the past week, but only for about 15-20 min...this morning for the first time, I jogged (plus walked) for about 35 min!-very proud...:D

Anyway, here's today's data:

Exercise: Run/Walk-35 min , Sit-ups - 80
7:40a --1 cup of 2% milk (120); 1 cup Cereal +HEB granolas (200)
9:50a --1 HEB Lemon cookie (53)
10:30a --1 small fuji apple-peeled (70); 1 Orange (45)
Lunch --3 pieces of Bran&Wheat (210); 5 pieces of thin turkey breast (40); 2 pieces of swiss cheese (120)
Dinner --half Bacon Cheese burger (400); half of the french fries (200)
8pm --1 Orange (45)
TOTAL :1500 kcal

wt: 72.1 (ding ding ding!!! water weight, water weight)
Has to work in the morning, but still managed to take K-nut to run (because weekends are the only time I can let him off leash the whole way, traffic are close to zero)
Jogging/walking - 40 min ; Sit ups - 100; leg raise - 15 on each side
7:10a -- 1 cup 2% milk (120)/ 1 cup Cereal + Granola (200)
11a -- 1 Small Fuji Apple (70)/ HEB Blended Yogurt-Strawberry (120)
12:30p -- 1/2 Bacon Cheese burger left over from last night (400)/ 1/2 bag of French Fries (300)
4:16p -- 1 Lemon Cookie (53)
7:30p -- 1 cup of sticky rice with a piece of Teriyaki chicken thigh (490) with pine nuts (80)
Cole Slaw (recipe from SueAnn)(230!!!!) my whole day is ruined...
TOTAL: 2063 kcal (>.<)
I thought I was eating healthy with the cole slaw, but look at this...sigh

Exercise: Jogging/walk: 35 min

7a -- 1 cup 2% milk (120)/1 cup cereal & granola (200)
11a -- 1 orange (45)
12p -- Teriyaki chicken with 1 cup of sticky rice (490)/Cole slaw (230)/pine nuts (80)/Broccoli (30)
Pic attached :


4pm -- Starbucks:Caffé Vanilla Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee-TALL (140)
7:30 -- Strawberry/75g (23)/Broccoli/105g (36)/Cole Slaw (230)/2 piece of bread (140) plus 1 piece of American cheese (70) plus butter spread (40) = Old fashion American grill cheese!

WHAT A colorful meal...

Total: 1874 kcal

It's not easy to keep the calories down when you are cooking, even with lots of vegetables. But as you can see, I am trying to make this dairy as entertaining as possible, today with couple pictures :D. Also, I am definitely lacking protein intake, that might explain why it’s so hard for me to run today…I need to find out a good way to cook meats, quick! Otherwise, you might have to call 911 to find me off Nuc Center (where I run with K-nut)
Tomorrow won’t be a running day, got to especially watch out the intake…

6/8/09 Monday
Wt: 71.8 (!!!! I reached my goal for this week!!! hopefully it's not just water weight, I have been drinking planty of water)


6/9/09 Tuesday
I woke up this morning and felt really tired, so I didn't get to take K-nut running bad...but on the other hand, I did watch what I am eating today because I didn't have a big space for extra intake.

5:30p - McDonald's Happy Meal Cheese burger with coke...I ran out of time to go home and grab my prepared meal!!! and of course no big surprise, 640 Kcal!!!! more McDonald' bad...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Diet and losing weight...a women's forever enemy

So happen that I am surfing on the internet, and came across a taiwanese blog about diet, and keeping track of how much weight does she lose (plus how much is the intake, and bowel mvt, etc.)...

Sigh...those two digit numbers...are always my forever pain...

fortunately (or unfortunately, depends on how you look at it), I live in a great nation where overweight has a different standard. American friends are always positive and telling me that I am not fat, but you can ask any Asians and their answers can be the complete opposite. Granted that I am taller than the average woman, but according to the BMI (Body mass index), I am officially overweight now...after first year in vet school.

I blame on vet school because I was doing so well before then, the Corps keeps me in shape and let me eat healthy. For the past year, I didn't know how many times I cooked ramen noodles for dinner, and how many times I have been through McDonald's drive through (before every Anatomy exam for sure). Compare to some of my classmates, I might be doing well by just putting one 7 lbs...but THIS IS STILL UNACCEPTABLE!

I guess I can always blame on my age too, as we get older, hormones in our body can do "wonderful" things.
So while I can, this summer, I am hoping that I can drop back to the "normal" range, and I am not greedy, 10 lbs is all I am asking~ I mean ,2 months, 10 lb? c'mon, is really not that bad. I did earned a nutritional science degree in my undergrad, so I won't be stupid and try to lose weight in a matter of 2 weeks. I still want to have a healthy liver/heart/gallbladder/etc by age 70. You talked to any Chinese youngsters, skipping meal is their ultimate tool...I mean how sad is that, and soon when they enter their 30s, they will wish they never have done that...

Having a slim body is a wonderful thing, you will look good in any clothes that you wear. and in general, you will feel fantastic. But I am not that desparate that I will risk my health just for some superficial reason.

for the next two months, I want to keep a diet blog up here. Because I know just writing down what you eat and what you do is already going to help me control my intake. I have been running 20 mins for the past 5 days with K-nut, in order for him to run off-leash, I have to be out there by 6am so that the morning traffic is not quite there yet, and the temperature is not hot enough to put both of us through heat stroke. But I need to work on my intake control, food is my best friend, and also my worst enenmy, hopefully by writing down those can help me to build my determination.

These are not my goals...I can never get to that skinny...but just for motivation purpose...

Best wishes! Just thinking about a brand new you when you return to school!! It's time to go! Move, Move, MOVE!!!