So happen that I am surfing on the internet, and came across a taiwanese blog about diet, and keeping track of how much weight does she lose (plus how much is the intake, and bowel mvt, etc.)...
Sigh...those two digit numbers...are always my forever pain...
fortunately (or unfortunately, depends on how you look at it), I live in a great nation where overweight has a different standard. American friends are always positive and telling me that I am not fat, but you can ask any Asians and their answers can be the complete opposite. Granted that I am taller than the average woman, but according to the BMI (Body mass index), I am officially overweight now...after first year in vet school.
I blame on vet school because I was doing so well before then, the Corps keeps me in shape and let me eat healthy. For the past year, I didn't know how many times I cooked ramen noodles for dinner, and how many times I have been through McDonald's drive through (before every Anatomy exam for sure). Compare to some of my classmates, I might be doing well by just putting one 7 lbs...but THIS IS STILL UNACCEPTABLE!
I guess I can always blame on my age too, as we get older, hormones in our body can do "wonderful" things.
So while I can, this summer, I am hoping that I can drop back to the "normal" range, and I am not greedy, 10 lbs is all I am asking~ I mean ,2 months, 10 lb? c'mon, is really not that bad. I did earned a nutritional science degree in my undergrad, so I won't be stupid and try to lose weight in a matter of 2 weeks. I still want to have a healthy liver/heart/gallbladder/etc by age 70. You talked to any Chinese youngsters, skipping meal is their ultimate tool...I mean how sad is that, and soon when they enter their 30s, they will wish they never have done that...
Having a slim body is a wonderful thing, you will look good in any clothes that you wear. and in general, you will feel fantastic. But I am not that desparate that I will risk my health just for some superficial reason.
for the next two months, I want to keep a diet blog up here. Because I know just writing down what you eat and what you do is already going to help me control my intake. I have been running 20 mins for the past 5 days with K-nut, in order for him to run off-leash, I have to be out there by 6am so that the morning traffic is not quite there yet, and the temperature is not hot enough to put both of us through heat stroke. But I need to work on my intake control, food is my best friend, and also my worst enenmy, hopefully by writing down those can help me to build my determination.

These are not my goals...I can never get to that skinny...but just for motivation purpose...
Best wishes! Just thinking about a brand new you when you return to school!! It's time to go! Move, Move, MOVE!!!
I understand, but you know what I'll tell you, because I am one of your American friends. I think you look fabulous.
Thank you for the compliment~ I will show you what's beautiful standard in an Asian's eye...
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